Chairman's Essay
值此《友好》创刊之时,我应该更多地是讲一下我们办刊的宗旨和所设栏目的用意。但在此时此刻我却难以抑制地更多地想起了在创立天津市友好合作城市企业促进会的过程中,许多应该牢记和感谢的人们。他们的名字,将会记入天津市友好合作城市企业促进会的史册。我应该感谢那些志同道合的创会的朋友们:天津市金德信典当有限责任公司的老总赵文先生、天津外总机械技术有限公司董事长哈鸿跃先生、天津中贸滨海投资发展有限公司副总经理张谨先生、天津市东钢板材有限公司董事长张璐先生、天津顺成大良科技有限公司董事长陈文颖女士、天津国正商贸有限公司总经理王喆先生…… 我应该感谢长期在我市外经外贸战线担任领导职务,现在仍以充沛的精力担任天津市政府外商投资办公室顾问的胡洽经先生。他待人以仁,在多次探讨促进会的工作时,言简意骇,对促进会的方向带有指引之善。这些,令我终生难忘;我应该感谢天津市商业联合会副会长马海林先生,他以充满睿智的思路,帮我们促进会总结了“架桥、谋事、发展”的炼达朴实的方针,他虽有他项要务,整天劳动、服务企业之间,却还给予了本会最大的关心和工作的热情。
On the publication of Friendship, I would like to mention the objective and intention for Friendship and its columns. I could hardly restrain my gratitude for TSCPE members at the very beginning, they deserve all the memories and appreciation for their support in establishing TSCPE. These friends sharing the same ambition are: Mr. Zhao Wen, Board Chairman of Gold Pawn House; Mr. Ha Hongyue, Board Chairman of Tianjin Waizong Machinery Technique Co., Ltd.; Mr. Zhang Jin, Deputy General Manager of Tianjin China Trade Binhai Investment Co., Ltd.; Mr. Zhang Lu, Board Chairman of Tianjin Dogang Plate Co., Ltd.; Ms. Chen Wenying, Board Chairwoman of Tianjin Shunchengdaliang Technology Co.,Ltd; Mr. Wang Zhe, General Manager of Tianjin Guozheng Business & Trade Co.,Ltd, etc. I would also show my thanks to leaders in Tianjin government departments of economy and trade with foreign countries, they are: Mr. Hu Qiajing, Present Consultant of Foreign Investment Office of Tianjin Municipal People's Government who dedicates into foreign trade of Tianjin with vigor, and directs TSCPE to the right way with concise and clear points in discussing tasks of TSCPE; Mr. Ma Hailin, Vice President of Tianjin Chamber of Commerce who wisely proposes brief but concrete guideline---bridge, plan, and development with farsight to TSCPE. Despite his busy agenda, Mr. Ma does his best to offer TSCPE care and consideration. I would never forget their kindness and cordiality in my life!
I would also show my appreciation to Mr. Zhao Yumin, Vice President and General Secretary of Tianjin Foreign-Invested Enterprises. He is the initiator of TSCPE which may not have such a brilliant start without his help and participation.
Since the First Membership Assembly and Establishment Preparation for TSCPE on July 8th, this year, TSCPE members joint efforts for development of TSCPE with great passion and interest. On October 30th, TSCPE held its Formal General Assembly for the Establishment. We are fortunate to invite nine celebrities in Tianjin to be our consultants. They all embrace great expectations for a highly-developed Tianjin, and wish Tianjin enterprises pioneer with full strength in overcoming difficulties and opening foreign market. Our consultants are: Mr. Shi Xiaocheng, former Assistant Secretary General of Tianjin Municipal Committee of CPPCC; Mr. Li Jialu, former General Manager of Tianjin International Engineering Consultant Company; Mr. Zhang Jianjin, Board Chairman and General Manager of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Holdings, Ltd.; Mr. Zhang Jiaxing, former Vice Director of Guangzhou Office of Tianjin Municipal People's Government; Mr. Zhang Fulin, Director of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of CPPCC; Mr. Hou Hucheng, former Assistant Inspector of Tianjin Commission of Commerce; Mr. Zhao Yumin, Vice President of Tianjin Foreign-Invested Enterprises; Mr. Cao Zhiren, Deputy Commander of Economic Crime Investigation Department of Tianjin Public Security Bureau; Mr. Pan Wanqing, Vice Minister of United Front Work Department of Tianjin Municipal Committee of China's Communist Party. I would express my heartfelt thanks to them for encouraging me and bringing me rejoice, experience and strength. I would learn wisdom from them, and gain the power to push ahead from their benevolent and kindly guidance.
In addition, TSCPE has the great honor to have prestigious comrade Mr. Wang Shuzu to be Honorary President, which gives us a tremendous lift. Just as TSCPE Vice President Hu Qiajing said in his congratulatory speech, Comrade Wang Shuzu is resourceful and decisive, who has rich experience in dealing with foreign affairs owing to his leadership in foreign trade and investment, overseas affairs, Tianjin-Taiwan affairs, as well as all the foreign affairs for decades. He has made great contributions to attract foreign investment, to expand export-oriented economy, and a lot of external work, all of which reflect his charisma. We are surely proud of having Comrade Wang Shuzu as our Honorary President, for he was part of the leadership team in the very beginning of China's reform and opening up, for his dedication heart and soul to the great accomplishments in Tianjin today.
Bearing all the expectations in mind, I will spare no effort in realizing broad cooperations between Tianjin and its sister cities, while achieving mutual progress.
Just like winter is the dauntless vanguard of spring, Friendship is the best demonstration of harmony.
As the New Year is quickly approaching when this edition is recieved, here on behalf of TSCPE membership and myself, I would give best wishes to TSCPE members and those from all walks of society who show great consideration for TSCPE development, I wish all of you and your family happy and everything goes well!
Wang Yuying
President of TSCPE
December, 8th, 2009